Mobile-Only Rentals & Onsite Repair Service

Venice Beach/Island, Nokomis, SW Osprey/Casey-Key, NW Englewood/Manasota Key


Manasota Key Bike Rental

Call 941-412-3821 to Reserve

Manasota Key Bike Rental

OUR BIKES: (Two Styles):

  • 7-Speed ‘Street-Cruisers’. These are comfort-bikes with wider seats, upright-riding, handbrakes, and 60 PSI tires. Great for knocking up and down Manasota Key.
  • 21-Speed Hybrids for longer-distance touring. Standard seats, and narrower 85 PSI tires. Choose these if you are looking to reach the Venice Trail, or Legacy Trail. Check your navigation for riding-distance.
HOW TO BOOK: Book online, or by phone (941-412-3821) at least one day in advance. Provide name, phone, email, delivery-address, and payment. You will receive booking-details via email.
BOOK EARLY: Our busy-season runs from mid-November through April. Book as soon as you are confident of your rental dates. There is no guarantee, but we may have same-day rentals available during this time.

GET FREE-DELIVERY: We deliver to Manasota Key ASAP between 9 AM and Noon. There is no set delivery-time. We are almost always done with our delivery-route before noon.

GET ADVANCED DELIVERY: We can deliver in the late afternoon if you are arriving late that day, or evening. That way you will have access to your bikes first-thing in the morning. In this case we would start counting your rental beginning on the next day. Call the shop-phone to make a booking like this.

EXPECT CONFIRMATION: At delivery you will receive a text with the lock combination. An image will show the location of your bikes. You do not need to be present for delivery.
WHAT’S INCLUDED: Our rentals include a lock, and helmet and front-basket if you want them. Select at time of booking.

BIKE PICKUP: We pick up bikes on the morning after your last full-day of rental. Leave your bikes locked up in a secure  location. You do not need to be present for pickup.


Choose online from one day up to 7 days. Or call 941-412-3821 to book any duration over the phone.

Check our rates for free-delivery in the booking-widget (Use the booking button.)

(The images are only intended to show basic form-factor of top-bar, step-through, Street-Cruiser, or Hybrid. Your bike may be a different color, brand, or model.)

Mens 7-Speed Comfort Cruiser
Top-Bar Street-Cruiser
Step-Through Street Cruiser
Men's 21-Speed Hybrid
21-Spd Top-Bar Hybrid
Womens 21-Speed Hybrid Bike
21-Spd Step-Through Hybrid